When you use a script-driven application on your site and all the content that you create is stored in a database, your web hosting plan has to feature a sufficient amount of database storage, to make sure that even when your website expands, you will not have any sort of difficulties as a result of the shortage of storage space. PostgreSQL is an example of a well-liked database administration system which is used for a large number of scalable web apps and in case you require improved performance and stability for your website, it is likely that you'll employ this solution. Considering this, you'll need a website hosting plan that won't restrict your web presence, particularly if you would like to operate several websites and each of them works with PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Website Hosting

All our website hosting were designed with the notion to give you an opportunity to pick the ideal attributes depending on what websites you'd like to host. If you don't need PostgreSQL databases, for example, you can pick a plan which does not include this system by default. In case you change your mind subsequently or in case you need PostgreSQL from the start, you can order one of the plans that include PostgreSQL support. All the packages feature sufficient storage dedicated to your databases, so even if your sites get bigger, you will not have any kind of problems, since some packages come even with unlimited space. For the entry-level plans, the PostgreSQL storage will be upgraded with a couple of clicks in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Servers

In case you would like to use PostgreSQL for your websites, you are able to take advantage of our powerful semi-dedicated server packages. Depending on the websites that you need to have, you can pick between limited and unlimited PostgreSQL storage space, because a smaller website requires less system resources, which means that you can pay a lower fee every month. The top-notch package contains unrestricted storage space and because it also contains considerably more processing power, you will be able to run heavy script applications without a problem and without worrying that your websites will expand excessively. You are able to run large online stores or message boards with thousands of users and regardless of how much their PostgreSQL databases grow, there will not be any disorders due to hitting some limit. For your convenience, you will always be able to view the size of each individual database plus the whole size that all of the databases take, but you won't ever see any kind of limit in the hosting Control Panel.